Full colored: $200+

- 1 front + back waist up
- Color palette

Colored sketch: $150+
Flat colored: $200+
Full colored: $250+
Draw on available pose: discount -$50 each options

- 1 front fullbody
- Color palette
- 1 Headshot/details shots copies (optional)

Flat Fullbody + different outfit + same pose + copy headshot + prop: $250

Fullbody + redraw headshot: $330

Fullbody + outfit design + redraw headshot + redraw arms + color palette + detailed shots: $400

Fullbody + copy headshot + color palette + prop: $250

Fullbody + prop + different outfit: $300

Fullbody + NSFW + Props + Color Palette: $450

MODEL SET (different skin tones): $450 (max 4 models)

Same pose + headshot - different outfits + color palette
Price example: $380

Same pose - Nsfw - props + detail shots - no headshot
Price example: $470

Same pose - Different outfit - Nsfw - props + detail shots - 1 headshot
Price example: $600

Additional views: Full colored -> Flat -> Colored Sketch
- Front: $170+ -> $100 -> $80
- Back: $150+ -> $80 -> $60
- Side(s): $145+ -> $65 -> $50
- Extra (shoulders, bust, halfbody, etc...): prices same as normal commission
* Please reminder that front view cost extra when it's a different body form design or different pose
* No cost extra for same pose (but cost extra for different outfit)

Cost extra:
- Detail shots $10-50+ each (jewelry, horns, eyes, lips, ears, hands,...) if I have to redraw new ones (copy + zoom from available work won't cost extra)
- Props (weapons, pets, things I have to draw in outside not in Character): $25+ each
- Different outfits: $50+ each
- NSFW version (both same and different pose): $200+ each

- Background
- Heavy armor, mecha